Trial and Error
Art Exhibition | 2015

We were part of a collective art exhibition with four other graphic designers in Radin Gallery, Mashhad. The theme of the show was the representation of each artist’s point of view on graphic design. For us, graphic design would be a boring activity if the design process happens entirely before the computer screen. This is why we always seek experimental methods for our big and small projects. In the light of this mentality, we built a typographic buzz wire game called “Trial and Error” (آزمون و خطا) for the exhibition.

This interactive piece was inviting people to try the “trial” word, and if they failed, the red neon “error” word in the back would turned on. The shape of the neon was not visible when it was off as it was hung behind a fabric screen. On the screen, the viewers were watching the making of videos of our projects in fast motion. The idea behind this installation was to show the audience that our ideal design process is something tangible, playful, and of course, full of trials and errors.

See the virtual tour of the exhibition

Design: Davood Morgan, Farid Yahaghi
Videography: Aghil Hosseinian