For this series of social media commercials, we focused on different metaphoric visualizations of the cashback service.
The general idea was to compare this bank reward with various senses of enjoyment. The key was to present that idea with a proper slogan.
So we used the word “return” both for showing a seeking a specific feeling and for defining the cash back service. Below are some of the final slogans:
The joy of the return of Nowruz, the money return service,
The joy of the return to childhood, the money return service,
The joy of the return of energy, the money return service,
and so on.
For the visuals, we used the same analogy. Money will be deducted from your account when you slide a debit card.
So we showed that act on the right side, and on the left side, as the card was sliding, something was reduced or stopped.
And when the card was back on the screen, a portion of what had been gone returned (10% cashback).